Maritime Ride & Pride
It's not what we do.... It's who we are....
Trucking Through COVID-19
On March 11 2020, life as we know it got struck a blow beyond what anyone could imagine, a pandemic of proportions never seen before seen or heard. The World Health Organization had a new virus on it's hands, and no country knew how to handle it, or so they say... We'll just leave it at that...
Canada and the United States declared state-of-emergencies, and overnight a total shutdown of businesses, public facilities, transits, public venues and more was put in force. Travel between our countries, and between states/provinces became restricted as well. Stay-at-home orders were given for non-essential workers. Self-quarantine became mandatory at different levels.
Transportation of commercial goods deemed essential was exempted; and later on commercial goods in general as well, as businesses & factories were permitted to re-open.
Although some carriers did face a reduction in power units, for the most part all drivers remained on the job transporting goods all over North America.
Many drivers and their families endured many days, weeks, even month's extra time away from each other due to quarantine restrictions.
As the hammer fell at the initial travel bans, restricting travel to essential/commercial traffic only, many people whom had adopted pets across borders suddenly found themselves torn and hurt over not being able to unite with their new furry family members.
For others, as the pandemic grew, they could not access out-of-state/province adoption of "therapy" puppies either.
Yet amid these extra family hardships brought on by COVID-19, many truck drivers gave selflessly of themselves by coming to the rescue. Drivers assisted in the transportation of for the most part young puppies, others not so young, and unite them with their new families.
Through many FACEBOOK platforms, including our own MR&P-The Network, truck drivers were a Godsend.
As to date of publishing this text, many drivers continue to plug through this ongoing pandemic, whom which we in general are grateful. THANK YOU drivers & families.
Here is but a few of our "heros" & pups.

THANK YOU Truckers!
