Maritime Ride & Pride
It's not what we do.... It's who we are....
MR&P's Road Kings
From the old term " Kings of the road ",also a song written & sung by Roger Miller. Road Kings are drivers who not only give much of themselves every hour and every mile out there, but go above and beyond to help those whom with we share the roads, not to mention those whom we do it with, our fellow truck drivers.

Meet Duane Mark Gallant, from Summerside PEI, owner-operator at Driveline Truck & Trailer.
In early March 2019, a post was made on our network group, a member's dad, a veteran driver, was stranded in northern Ontario while relocating from Alberta back to the Maritimes.
Within mere minutes, Duane takes note of the story, and contacts the stranded driver, and by the next morning, the duo were eastbound towards the Maritimes.
And could it any more fitting, an "old-school" action, completed with an "old-school" COE Freightliner!

The Story
On March 05 2019, Dave May (Jr), via our network, writes a post stating his dad, Dave May (Sr), a veteran driver of 50+ years is broken down in northern Ontario while relocating back to the Maritimes after a 9-year stint in Alberta. Asking if anyone was in the area and able to give his 73-year old dad a lift to at least Toronto where he could find a lift, or better yet, all the way east. Duane Gallant, a recent member of our network takes note of this story, and follows through getting in touch with the stranded driver the following morning. Asked about how the ride east went: "He's a funny guy! We had lots of laughs and talked about years gone by! He's really great company for such a long drive!"
About Dave May (Sr)

Born n 1946, Dave been in trucking industry most of his life. Spending roughly the first half of his career trucking in the Maritimes, mostly for Strescon Ltd back when they had their own fleet.
During that time he also made a couple trips out west both lasting about a year each (the second time he hitch-hiked) then in the late 90s he had a medical issue and left Strescon for good.
He then headed out west a third time for a couple years until he was coaxed back by his nephews, bought his own truck and flatbed and trucked for a few different outfits up around Hartland New-Brunswick where he put down roots for 6 years or so. His health started deteriorating to the point where he had to have a six-way bypass, and that spelled the end of his owner/operator days.
Dave May (Sr) at his last gig.

Dave May (Jr)
A month or so after his heart surgery he was back out west trucking again. After hauling chips out there for six months or so he got on with Trican hauling nitrogen but shortly after getting on there he was taken off the road and put in a shop as a shop-hand, he was sure then that he was done trucking until 5 years later when he got laid off.
At that time his son Dave Jr was out there with him, trucking, and coaxed his dad into moving down to Lethbrige where they both got on with a small reefer company that hauled mostly Cavendish fries to Calgary where he stayed till he headed east this time.
That's just the super-short story of his life says Dave Jr, since he been around. His son also states his dad had hitch-hiked across Canada a few times before starting a family. Dave Jr states, even after all this time, he can just sit and listen to his dad's hundreds of amazing life stories..

Meet Harold Hacker. Harold s a long-haul driver from New Bern, North Carolina.
We haven't met Harold per say, but we've stumbled upon a story on social media that we deemed worth documenting, with his approval. A TRUE King of The Road, example of "who we are"...
"A lady came crying to me as I was polishing my truck here at the hotel....I'm thinking here we go.. wanting money!!!! But instead of her asking for money... she offered me money!! WOW!! Her son is Handicap and bound to a wheelchair and they didn't have anymore rooms on the bottom floor....Her thinking that she and her nephew could get him up to the 3rd floor she went ahead an paid!!! She needed me to help them get him up... It was impossible to do..... So she was left helpless...... Then I felt bad for her... So I said there's more than one way to skin a cat!!!! I'll give y'all my room which is right here on the bottom...an I'll take your room .. just don't say anything!!!! Then this kid busted out loud an said man I Love you...you saved my momma alot of trouble..... Can I take pics with you an your truck??? WELL OF COURSE!!! Just glad I could just see him smile.... he was looking purdy sad.... He kept saying...man I'm trouble to everyone.... Then he gave me a kiss!!! Lol...what away to end a Sunday afternoon on the road!! I was feeling purdy home sick myself... But I guess it worked out for me to be here!!! My new friend!!!"
Harold has been trucking for over 29 years, inspired by many uncles who were also drivers. The young lad's name is Dakota. Needless to say, judging by the photos, Dakota was one happy boy that his loving momma got the help from our driving friend that day. I think Dakota was also proud to pose by that shiny black Peterbilt..
Harold & grandson Keagan

Harold & Dakota

Meet Al MacDonald.
Al's been a truck-driver for merely 3 years, but is as solid as they come. Recently, Al has faced a situation, and has dealt with it in true "Road King" fashion.
"On A-30 EB about MM 74 about a half hour ago there was a car broken down - dead as a nit - in the middle of the granny lane. No 4-ways and no electrical power at all. It was a dad and his 3 kids in car seats in the back seat. Cars AND TRUCKS were whipping around the guy on BOTH sides. I stopped and saw what the situation was. I got my lazy ass out of my truck and helped the guy push his car out of the way. He had already called 911, but couldn't push the car by himself.
NOBODY else stopped to give the guy a hand. Not a four wheeler and certainly no eighteen wheelers. There were a few maritime trucks in the bunch that squeezed by while the two of us were pushing the car out of the way.
I'm not looking for kudos or a pat on the back I don't need it. I just don't understand why no one else stopped to help. End rant."
Truck drivers for the most part are "self-trained" to be aware of their surroundings, it's part of what they do and a matter of professionalism. But that quality doesn't fall equal on everybody. Luckily for that motorist and child, Al MacDonald DID posess this quality, and he done the right thing.
Thank you Al for being examplar, being a true "King of the road".

Meet Chris Stewart, highway driver of many years with a recent story that he was involved in.
Hey buddy, the story on little guy:
"I dropped trailer at Marine Atlantic one night, bob-tailing out I noticed there was little guy on the side of highway.
I stopped, and couldn't see him. Then I looked around, he was walking up the middle of highway!
I threw 4 ways on, jumped out, I ran an grabbed him and put him in my arms; then I turned my back to oncoming traffic figure better for me to get hit than him, so I hung on to him tight an a red Honda stopped just inches from us.
I fell on the grass and little boy was still in my arms, and he said I just wanted to see your shiny truck. So I took him to police station, and his grandparents came got him; but told the police that if they were to put him in foster home, that I would adopt him, then I left for Hartland.
Thanks for being one of the good ones, Chris.
We're proud and honoured to include Chris in our MR&P Road Kings.