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Recent Maritime Ride & Pride events

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Bordertown Working Truck Show & Shine

On Sept 08-09 2016, we introduced our very first Working Truck Show & Shine, hosted be the village of Amherst Nova Scotia. Our benefactors were the Special Olympics-Amherst. The event included live music, a BBQ,  prizes for different categories, including an Olympian's Choice category! Both the participants and Olympians had a great day. We'll certainly be looking forward to future events!

Enjoy our slideshow below

Brothers Helping Brothers

On Feb 25, 2017, we hosted a fundraiser event for two local drivers who tragically lost their truck in sudden fires. One lost part of his garage, a personal vehicle, a barn & tools.  A few drivers and MR&P group members gathered items to be auctioned for auction, another driver supplied us with DJ services, and the local Lions Club were gracious with lending us the hall.   It was a positive and productive event.  Also, old acquaintances  and new friends were made.

Brotherhood compassion

A local driver, after a series of unfortunate circumstances, found himself struggling just days before one of the most important holidays of the year.  "Brothers" rallied together, and "passed the hat", which was enough the relieve a bit of burden for the family at Christmas time.

The Brotherhood, where you'll never truck alone

Just recently, a Prince Edward Island driver was involved in a major highway wreck involving several vehicles, out in western USA.  The incident was tragic, but the driver walked out with just a few scratches, and a busted ego. A local social media group, Cavendish Cartel, instigated plans on helping get the driver home. Fast forward through details, MR&P, along with another group, Eastern Canada DOT Watch, launched a campaign to raise monies for a plane ticket to help the driver finally get home. Mother nature, root of chaos, strikes again, and the trip continues on after more delays. Decided by the three groups, the monies were donated to the driver, who will face many weeks with no income. Over $1000 was raised in just a few hours.

Brotherhood is to family as family is to Brotherhood

One of our members, a new young family expecting their first child was faced with an upcoming issue: Their first baby needing open-heart surgery at birth, due to a heart anomaly, which meant the young family needing to travel to Toronto for the delivery of their first child.  Facing these travel expenses, and a period of at least 4-6 weeks off work, members of Maritime Ride & Pride pulled together and raised funds to help alleviate the weight of pending bills.

Also through members, info & resources contacts were made available during their stay in a foreign city.

Right on time, their first child was born, and the process went better than anticipated.  Welcome to the world, baby Bella. 

Angel Diner's Chicken Light Cruize

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On Saturday,September 12, 2020, our very first Chicken Light Cruize was Launched.  Over 40 trucks met in Debert NS and went in convoy to Angel's Diner @ Glenholm Petro Pass to thank Crystal Blair, and the community, for the generosity and love she shared by staying open and feeding drivers for free throughout the Covid-19 pandemic.


These grateful drivers wanted to show their appreciation for her incredible and kind gesture, thus the creation of this event that will be giving back to the communities of Cumberland/Colechester counties.  When the convoy left the Petro Pass, they travelled through Portapique and the surrounding communities that were deeply affected by the events surrounding the mass shooting in April.

On their way to Bass River, they passed many memorials for the victims.

In Bass River, representatives from the victims families met with the convoy organizers, Mike Ouellet, Douglas Cochrane, Sean Hennebury and Bill Dowe and were presented with a donation of $3000 raised by the drivers.

 Maritime Ride & Pride, and social media groups MR&P~The Network as well as the Cavendish Cartel  are so very proud of these amazing and thoughtful members and wish to thank all of the people that made such an incredible day possible.

We would also like to extend our heartfelt thanks to Crystal Blair, Glenholm Petro Pass, all the front line medical workers and every essential driver that worked tirelessly to keep our beautiful country moving during this pandemic.

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